My table saw sees a lot of use, and the cast iron top can start to sh…
Providing a home for blades, inserts, and more, this cabinet is the p…
Making long rips at the Table Saw is smooth sailing with this Shop-Ma…
Replacing the insert in your table saw is one of the easiest ways to …
Here is a quick tip for easily breaking down plastic laminate at the …
A critical part of woodworking is making clean, square crosscuts. Thi…
This plywood case keeps your saw blades organized and safe.
Cutting precise tenons with perfectly smooth cheeks is a snap with th…
An all-purpose shop cart works as a trusty sidekick. Here's a way to …
This table saw sled has a versatile fence and expanding base that all…
While the table saw can be one of the most reliable crosscutters in t…
Perfect box joints every time? With this fully adjustable table saw j…
Like most things with moving parts, a table saw requires periodic mai…
This table saw sled has a versatile fence and expanding base that all…
Upgrade your miter saw with this custom-made zero clearance insert th…
Perfect box joints every time? With this fully adjustable table saw j…
A simple system of interlocking tabs and notches makes this set of st…
This table saw sled has a versatile fence and expanding base that all…
Replacing the insert in your table saw is one of the easiest ways to …
Ripping long stock at the table saw is easier to do when you have out…
Like most things with moving parts, a table saw requires periodic mai…
Recently on the Woodsmith Shop, we built a classic toolbox. It featur…
Cutting precise tenons with perfectly smooth cheeks is a snap with th…
My table saw sees a lot of use, and the cast iron top can start to sh…
Cutting tapers at the table saw usually involves making a quick, one-…
Whether you use this tray to decorate your table or serve your guests…
This planter box will really show off the potted plants on your patio…
A push block doesn't have to be a scrap piece, thrown away after one …
Whether in a favorite corner of the garden or under a big shade tree,…
If you’ve ever been frustrated trying to cut gap-free miter joints …
Your planer, table saw, band saw, router table and other tools can al…
Faced with creating round wood pins, Designer Dillon Baker crafted a …
Project Designer, John Doyle, wanted to create a small shop workhorse…
A crosscut sled makes cutting so much easier and more accurate that m…
You can use your table saw to create distinctive Arts & Crafts detail…
You may think that a crosscut sled is needed only for cutting wide pa…
Whether you're changing a table saw blade or setting it aside in stor…
Cutting small parts at the table saw always adds a bit of a challenge…
If you have an old plastic cutting board that is ready to be retired,…
Use this simple jig to easily groove and tenon a dowel at the table s…
In an emergency, you need to shut off your table saw quickly. That me…
Setting up a box joint jig can often involve a lot of test cuts until…
It can be tough to support a long part while making cuts at the table…
A clean table saw blade cuts better, and stays sharp longer. The prob…
A push block is a must for safe accurate rip cuts at the table saw. T…
One of the challenges in cutting box joints at the table saw is seein…
Glued up panels are used in many woodworking projects. Bryan and Phil…
A good push block is a must-have accessory for making safe, accurate …
Knowing how to fine-tune a cut at the table saw is a necessary skill …
Check out this handy way to move saw blades around the shop without r…
Outfeed rollers provide great support but aren’t always that s…
An accurate dado blade setup is critical for creating a tight joint. …
A new insert for your table saw doesn't have a blade slot. Here's a s…
Choosing the right blade is one part of making smooth table saw cuts.…
Box joints look great and have loads of strength. What's nice is that…
A shop-made zero-clearance insert can dramaitcally improve the result…
Upgrade your table saw without spending a lot of money. Make an inser…
The rip fence on your table saw comes in handy for more than just cut…
This unique push block makes cuts safe, easy, accurate.
Here's a table saw add-on for making accurate miter cuts.
Build this tray for keeping your dado blade handy.
Learn this table saw trick for smooth cuts.
A simple table saw trick for making mortises.
Easy, Accurate Shop-Built Add-On
Here's a hassle-free trick for a flush insert
Get more from a featherboard
Cut perfect tenons with a simple technique
Set up your table saw for perfect cuts
Simple, Sturdy Joinery Makes Construction a Snap
Table Saw Tips for Better Joinery
A handy way to keep track of your project
Set Your Saw For Accurate Angled Cuts
Perfect Tenons In Less Time
A quick & easy way to square up panels
Build this adjustable push block for safe, accurate cuts
This rip fence accessory makes it easy to cut rabbets and other joint…
Wider boards need a variation of the usual table saw resawing techniq…
Tips for getting a safe, accurate and clean cut when ripping a board …
The trick is to cut all the pieces to the exact same length.
This easy technique guarantees your blade is 90 degrees to the saw ta…
Using a stand-off block adds safety and accuracy when cutting small p…
Here are five tips for table saw accuracy and safety.
This unique push block makes cuts safe, easy, accurate.
This easy-to-make hood captures dust right at the source.
Keep your tool chargers close at hand with this rack.
Stain is a great way to add color and accentuate the grain of a proje…
This slim case corrals your routers, bits, and other gear, and the co…
If you're like me, you hoard scraps in the shop. One piece of scrap t…