Over the years, we've featured a number of different miter saw stations, some of them taking up an entire wall. The one shown here hits what I consider a sweet spot in terms of size, features, and mobility.
This slim case corrals your routers, bits, and other gear, and the co…
No room for a jointer? You can convert your hand-held router into a p…
A router trammel doesn't have to be a clunky, overly-complicated jig.…
A router lift makes working at the router table so much easier. Bit h…
Small wood "keys" create the traditional look of a dovetail joint -- …
Router bit bearings need to be changed or even replaced over time. Un…
A hand-held router and jig can make life easy for creating smooth dad…
Router edge guides are really handy for creating dadoes and grooves, …
Setting an accurate depth of cut on a router bit is a fussy task. Pre…
Spacer blocks have a number of uses, from setting blade height at the…
Phil has a few handy tips and tricks to make routing stopped grooves …
Don't be fooled by its small size. This portable router table packs i…
Small wood keys create the traditional look of a dovetail joint -- wi…
The flexibility and easy setup of this unique jig makes adding eye-ca…
This briefcase-sized package transforms into a full-featured benchtop…
Most router table fences can be fickle to adjust with a lot of back a…
Don't be fooled by its small size. This portable router table packs i…
It may surprise people, but making circles is easily done with the th…
One of my favorite tools happens to be this shop-built tool from Wood…
After building this shop-made jig, you'll be routing dadoes and groov…
This picture frame is the perfect gift. Not only can you build it in …
A router table is a great tool for producing tight, crisp joints. But…
A router lift makes working at the router table so much easier. Bit h…
A Japanese Puzzle Box can be a challenge to open, but building one of…
A hand-held plunge router can be a great tool for cutting mortises. T…
The flexibility and easy setup of this unique jig makes adding eye-ca…
No room for a jointer? You can convert your hand-held router into a p…
On some woodworking tasks, setup takes more time than the actual oper…
A hand-held router and jig can make life easy for creating smooth dad…
Routing across the end of the workpiece brings all kinds of considera…
An all-purpose shop cart works as a trusty sidekick. Here's a way to …
A shop-made router lift can make your router table that much easier t…
There are a variety of commercial wood threading kits available, but …
Setting up router bits can be a little tricky and time consuming... B…
Router bits are expensive, right? The last thing you want is to pull …
Router bits are expensive. The last thing you want is to pull one out…
Phil shows a quick and easy solution to get crisp, clean profiles wit…
Chris Fitch shows the features and benefits of three shop-made jigs t…
A router table helps you get the most from your router. But that does…
A router table simplifies all kinds of tasks. And with a good jig, yo…
When you're using a hand-held router, it would be nice to have a plac…
Sometimes, it seems that setting up a router takes longer than the ac…
Routing dovetails using a dovetail jig can lead to a face full of dus…
Hardwood strips work great to conceal and protect the edges of plywoo…
When it comes to trimming hardwood edging on plywood panels, it can b…
Smooth, crisp profiles and joinery are your goal. Learn how a simple …
This easy-to-make hood captures dust right at the source.
A simple guide makes cuts safe, easy, and accurate.
Use your router table to create a classic profile
Learn a few router table secrets for better results.
Set bit and blade heights accurately
A Simple Router Technique for Perfect Slots
Routing Perfect Raised Panels Starts at the Table Saw
With a basic round-over bit, you can create a handle or dowel to matc…
Strengthen your picture frames with this simple router table techniqu…
See how to make bead molding using the router table and table saw.
Avoid tear out on the top edge of the rabbet with this simple techniq…
Rout perfectly positioned chamfers and other profiles every time.
This unique push block makes cuts safe, easy, accurate.
This easy-to-make hood captures dust right at the source.
Keep your tool chargers close at hand with this rack.
Over the years, we've featured a number of different miter saw statio…
Drilling the center of a dowel can be a head-scratcher. Not only is d…
Stain is a great way to add color and accentuate the grain of a proje…