The beef I have with using a ruler to set up a router bit is that it’…
By filing a small notch in the end of your combination square's blade…
Attaching a board to a sled makes planing thin stock easier and gives…
A pencil works great for most layout tasks. However, in darker-colore…
Making an accurate layout gets your project off on the right foot. He…
Adjustable shelves make any storage cabinet more versatile. But more …
Measuring the diameter of round stock, like dowels, can be a real cha…
The challenge in using two-part epoxy is dispensing the correct amoun…
A long aluminum ruler is a handy addition for any shop. Here's a smar…
This simple, shop-made gauge uses a common school supply to make sett…
Most woodworkers keep a stash of short cutoffs and small pieces squir…
It can be a real challenge laying out a curve on the edge of a workpi…
Store-bought dowels aren't always consistently sized. That can cause …
Laying out a curve on project part often feels like you need three ha…
Transferring layout lines from one face or edge of a workpiece to ano…
Large, heavy sheets of plywood are awkward to cut to size on the tabl…
In addtion to snug-fitting joinery and smoother operation, drawers pr…
Curves and arcs add interest to your projects. Discover our favorite …
You can't beat a pencil for most marking tasks. But you have some opt…
Every shop needs a few good rulers and squares. But these won't often…
There's a wide variety of measuring and marking tools available. When…
Steel rules are basic tools. But it still takes a little know-how to …
Accurate work begins with accurate measuring. Here are two types of r…
Accurate measuring is one key to building better projects. They don't…
Find out which tools we wouldn't be without in our shop.
Create easy-to-see marks and draw perfect arcs.
Get the most out of this verastile tool.
Add a tape measure to any power tool.
Handy guides make marking details a breeze
An old-fashioned tool you'll use everyday
This adjustable square tackles many tasks
The secret is a piece of string
Shop-Made Template Make Layouts a Snap
Keep your tape measure within easy reach
Avoid mistakes when it comes time to glue a project together.
This unique push block makes cuts safe, easy, accurate.
This easy-to-make hood captures dust right at the source.
Keep your tool chargers close at hand with this rack.
Stain is a great way to add color and accentuate the grain of a proje…
This slim case corrals your routers, bits, and other gear, and the co…
If you're like me, you hoard scraps in the shop. One piece of scrap t…